
What you need to know about GROW: coaching for performance

The GROW model is a simple but very useful framework to guide a conversation.

This is the first coaching book I read but it’s not only for coaches. It helps professionals to find solutions to their problems, understand situations and explore options and can be used in business meetings.

✔ This structure is one of the most used methods for performance coaching and it’s based on four steps:

1️⃣ Goal: What do you want to achieve?
2️⃣ Reality: What is really happening?
3️⃣ Options: What alternatives do you have?
4️⃣ Will: What will you do?

I’ve recommended it to clients willing to explore their coaching leader skills.

Through its powerful questions they were able to raise awareness and accountability in their teams leaving the participants more confident and motivated.

If you are curious but don’t have time to read, contact me. I would love to help!