A normal day 5 years ago:Going to the airport with my high heels and expensive bag to take the first morning flight. I´d work the whole day in some office in a city in Europe. Lunch with one team, dinner with the other and off to the hotel where I'd open my laptop a bit more.✔ Committed to the task, competent, reliable for my teams, and loving my work.A normal day today:Driving the kids to school and coming back home for my first call. Decent shirt and make up, no shoes. I work the whole day, lunch in front of my laptop, more calls and pick up the kids from school for a messy - non-dressy afternoon. Kids to bed and more laptop work.✔ Committed to the task, competent, reliable for my clients, and loving my work.
The more you know yourself, the more you do the things you love and the closer you will be to finding your purpose and meaning in life.Finding my purpose was never a goal for me, I didn´t think it was important.Until I started to coach others, and one client wanted to explore his mission. Another client came looking for that transcendent phrase to guide him towards the future . . .I had no choice but to deep dive, looking for mine first before helping others.And I get it now. Connecting your purpose to your work and taking action brings meaning to your life. With every action you find more motivation to move forward because you are going to a place that you love, is bigger than you and makes you happy!
In May 2020, on the first day of an executive coaching course, I was put into a breakout room with three other people and we had to coach each other.The act of giving my full attention to the other person without letting my thoughts get in the way was really hard, and totally out of my comfort zone.I found it almost impossible to have a non-intentional conversation without a particular goal (from my side) with a stranger, just to serve them.Right after the class I called the teacher and told her I was not empathetic enough, and that I thought I was a terrible coach. I really doubted coaching was something for me.She said: "Yes, you are not a good coach. . . yet!!!"So I continued and the following months I had the hardest time learning coaching techniques from different schools and practicing with my peers.The day I finished the course and presented my coaching model was magical. I felt I had something to which I would love to dedicate all my time and energy, and decided to drop everything and go for it.I kept on gaining experience, first with practice clients and then with paid clients. They all seemed happy. I created strong relationships and became very good at spotting the beliefs that my clients had but that didn't serve them!Today, I´m still learning and investing in my self-awareness. Even though I feel happier and more fulfilled, I sometimes lose balance and have to work hard to gain it back. This is a demanding profession. 😅And that´s my coaching journey in a nutshell.If you are craving coaching, contact me. Turns out I love helping strangers achieve their goals! 😎
https://youtu.be/AYER7capsqQOne of my clients was very clear about what he had to do to reach his important and long-term goals.But the truth is that he was too busy solving immediate and urgent tasks.He was very productive in those areas where he performed well, but that place where he felt confident at some point became his limitation.Our brain is wired to keep us safe and avoid danger for our own survival; so how do we convince ourselves to go to that difficult place where good things happen?I suggested a ¨Moving beyond comfort zones¨ exercise based on the book ¨101 Coaching Strategies and Techniques¨ by Gladeana Mc Mahon consisting of three steps:Step 1️⃣:Identify three of your comfort zones. Those areas where you´d benefit if you made a change.Step 2️⃣:Choose the one that will get you closer to your important goals, and that you are ready to challenge. Take a piece of paper and break it down:✔ What benefits would that bring you?✔ What are your fears?✔ What´s holding you back?Step 3️⃣:Face those fears and expand your comfort zone.✔ List the actions you could do to expand your limitations✔ Detail the support you need and from whom✔ Prioritize each action and specify the dates when you will startOur comfort zone is a great place, but nothing great grows there anymore.Let´s be brave and tell our brain there´s nothing to fear. 👊
8 months ago when I challenged myself to practice yoga everyday after a decade of zero practice, I went from being stiff as a board to touching my feet without bending my legs. My back stopped hurting, and I started to sleep much better. . . I felt I’d succeeded.I extended my challenge to 100 days and the positive changes continued.... I was getting there!But I wanted more and started instructor-led classes, where I learned to do splits, handstands. . . I was looking for that big achievement.And what I found was an adductor distension.The doctor said the muscle needed absolute rest for 8 weeks so I’ve continued with my practice but at a slower pace. I set my alarm for 30 minutes, and do what I can without following any sequence.And it was then, when I wasn’t looking for success, that success found me!I started to be fully present in my practice, thankful for being able to continue, and enjoying each second. I have only skipped my practice 10 times since I started.✔ Integrating yoga into my life routine is the achievement, and not the fancy asanas.Like in every aspect of life, consistency is what brings the biggest results. What counts is the progression and small efforts day in - day out.Do you want to do a split or do you want to be happy? 😉Have a great day!
The best advice I can give you after my first full year of coaching others.Since January 2021 I´ve coached very different clients in all kinds of fields (pharma/ education/ technology....), with very different titles (senior executive/ housewife/ business owner...), and with more than 10 nationalities (Swiss/ Spanish/ Ivorian/ Italian/ Argentinian...).I've been very impressed, and sometimes very intimidated, by the intelligence and topics that my clients bring to coaching.I've learned so much from each one of them. I love the connection that coaching brings, and I've realized that only from a solid relationship can we have the top-quality sessions that all coaches aim for. A good session is one where both parts accept their vulnerability and co-create towards achieving that same goal.I’ve had the luxury to coach any topic that has emerged as I don't have a niche yet (and maybe never will). I've coached on hundreds of topics from 100% business-oriented topics (prepare a future leadership role/ difficult conversations/ performance...) to personal development topics (self-care/ self-confidence/ strengths/ motivation...) to meaning-making topics (balance/ values/ mission and purpose...).✔ Looking at all these experiences, the best piece of advice I can give you is to know yourself. Get to know yourself deeply!!No matter your seniority or education, the more objective data you have about yourself, your thoughts and your inner dialogue, the more will you be able to build the person you want to be. Our thoughts are abstract and automatic, we don't have time to analyze them and we shouldn't. What we should do is to get the right support to learn how to regulate them.Depending on how we evaluate an external event, we will have a different type of emotion. The awareness of that emotion will give us a feeling. Learning to navigate our universe of emotions can only bring benefits.
I was very skeptical about Group Coaching.When I started my group coaching training I had some doubts.How can you coach several people at the same time? If the topic should emerge at the precise moment of starting a session, how can you offer each member of the group the experience they need for the topic they bring that day?Well, you can´t.This is different: the individuals come with their topic beforehand, it does not 100% emerge on site.Group coaching doesn´t have the same benefits as individual coaching, but It´s still an incredible experience for the clients:✔ Each client is confronted with profound questions, as in a 1 to 1 session✔ It gives a lot of space to each participant to reflect and explore new places✔ I´ve been blown away by the power of co-creation of a group✔ The commitment and accountability is even greater than in individual coaching because you have an audience (vs having only your coach)✔ You learn from others, and to get the most out of the experience, you exercise your curiosity muscle✔ It helps you understand better how to work with others✔ Networking and connections✔ Same ethics as in individual coaching (ICF credentials) 😍✔ Conflict is part of group coaching, as it is part of any life cycle of a groupIn conclusion, this course confirms my initial thought. Individual coaching provides the greatest value for the client, but if they cannot afford it or have specific needs, then group coaching is a fantastic solution.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpDx3W5jZZsNovember 2018.I was the first participant going on stage. The classroom at IESE business school was full. My hands were sweating, and my heart was beating really fast. For a moment I couldn´t see, but somehow I remembered my lines and spoke.Then. . . silence . . .Later during the break Maty Tchey, one of the professors and leader of the effective communication program, came and told me that she thought I was good. A light comment that meant the world to me.After years of struggling before, during and after each presentation; after a professional life of fear of speaking in front of an audience, an authority in public speaking believed in me.Only then did I give myself permission to believe in myself.The power of the expert.If someone with that expertise and knowledge tells you that you can do it, you start considering that as a possibility.That power that gave me the strength to enroll in a public speaking club, to volunteer to deliver dozens of webinars during the lockdown, to actually enjoy presenting in front of over a hundred people, and to come first in a public speaking contest.Today speechwriting is one of my passions and I love creating videos for social media.If you are an expert in any field, imagine the effect that championing others can have in their future.Are you that generous?
After 18 months of 1 to 1 executive coaching it's time to take a step forward.I love coaching and I won't stop having individual clients no matter what, but I also feel I'm ready to complement my portfolio with other services.I've been having a lot of conversations lately about different potential projects and collaborations.I'm overwhelmed. And yesterday I felt I needed clarity.I looked at the coaches I know and realized any of them could help me take the right decision with some good coaching.I also thought "what else could work? What has worked in the past?"🔽🔽🔽So, I made a last call, took my biking gear, and went for a ride.Never underestimate the chemicals that your body releases with sports. The endorphins help your brain to relax, the starting point for good thinking. 🍀I’ll call for a coaching session, but not yet. I'm not in a hurry.Whenever you are stuck or overwhelmed, first MOVE!Then look for a good coach to help you unlock your potential.