Your comfort zone

Your comfort zone of my clients was very clear about what he had to do to reach his important and long-term goals.But the truth is that he was too busy solving immediate and urgent tasks.He was very productive in those areas where he performed well, but that place where he felt confident at some point became his limitation.Our brain is wired to keep us safe and avoid danger for our own survival; so how do we convince ourselves to go to that difficult place where good things happen?I suggested a ¨Moving beyond comfort zones¨ exercise based on the book ¨101 Coaching Strategies and Techniques¨ by Gladeana Mc Mahon consisting of three steps:Step 1️⃣:Identify three of your comfort zones. Those areas where you´d benefit if you made a change.Step 2️⃣:Choose the one that will get you closer to your important goals, and that you are ready to challenge. Take a piece of paper and break it down:✔ What benefits would that bring you?✔ What are your fears?✔ What´s holding you back?Step 3️⃣:Face those fears and expand your comfort zone.✔ List the actions you could do to expand your limitations✔ Detail the support you need and from whom✔ Prioritize each action and specify the dates when you will startOur comfort zone is a great place, but nothing great grows there anymore.Let´s be brave and tell our brain there´s nothing to fear. 👊

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