Personal development
The courage to be authentic

The courage to be authentic

Clients usually come to coaching with the intention of changing and improving. You can only change what you know and to know yourself you need to be authentic, be the real you.Coaches need to be authentic so clients can take the risks they need to take. The coaching relationship should be like a solid construction and that can only be built from both parts being authentic. Clients need to feel the integrity and honesty of who we are as coaches.Authenticity shows up in many ways and it has nothing to do with sharing every thought. It does not mean being a “truth machine” and does not excuse any behavior under the “but that’s who I am” cover.Authenticity:✔ allows you to relax and show to others your value✔ means living in congruence with your beliefs and hopes✔ promotes self-love✔ means you like yourself✔ means you have a strong character✔ brings consistencyA great coaching exercise to connect with your reality is figuring out your values and what is most important to you. The more energy you focus in connecting with yourself the more you will be able to bring the best of you into anything you do.Have a great and authentic day!

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